Monday, January 16, 2012

Bench press my body weight

Oh yeah..thats a goal! At my highest point I was able to press 20lbs shy of my weight.... I want to get back there only add the 20lbs to the bar and press my body weight.

Todays weight: 263
Last week: 265
Start: 272

Only down two pounds, but it's more then I expected. This last week was really hard for me. No real reason why. I just was fighting my mind. I did not go to the gym at all or walk my dog last week. And the cravings were HIGH. Although I was able to not eat those cravings, but my portion control was no where in sight.
But this is a new week.
My goal is to go to the gym at least once (I know thats not much but it's a start), walk my dog at least twice, stay on track with points, and say goodbye to 3 pounds this week.

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